I am a first year Ph.D. student in the Department of Economics at Stanford University. 

Previously, I was a Pre-doctoral Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research and Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, working with Heidi Williams.  I am interested in the economics of science and innovation, policy evaluation, and applied microeconometrics. In 2022, I graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Public Policy.

Working papers

The Wandering Scholars: Understanding the Heterogeneity of University Commercialization 

With Josh Lerner, Carolyn Stein, & Heidi Williams

[R&R, Econometrica]

draft | online appendix  | NBER working paper #32069 | Coverage: VoxEU

In progress

Backcasting Population Data for Children in the 1960s with Supervised Learning 

With Esra Kose & Doug Miller 

draft | predictions

New Data on War on Poverty Programs in the 1960s 

With Esra Kose & Doug Miller